Notes and Reference... and Test?

I did the neocities intro course, but I crave more knowledge, and I need the practice, so why not take notes in html? I see absolutely nothing that can possibly go wrong with this!

Quick Ref and Tools

  1. Cheat sheet pdf
  2. Elements and Structure cheat sheet
  3. Hexcode color picker
  4. How to set up a local testing server (in case I need it)
  5. Visual Code Studio, a software (in case I need it)

I'm currently on this page of the mozilla course

Misc Notes

name files lowercase, no spaces, using - (not _), for consistency

file structure: index.html, images folder, styles folder (CSS), scripts folder (Java for interactive functionality)

file path: in the same directory as index.html: "folder-name/filename.extension" e.g. "images/neociteis.png"

"head" element included in page but not displayed, e.g. keywords, description, page title, css, etc

CSS Selectors: I really don't want to type all of this myself, so I'll just leave a screenshot here for reference (found here)

Test area (should I need it)

Tests will go below I guess

placeholder image